Check out this quick clip of the Captain nailing a chrome coho on a spoon!
Stream Kreepers
You may have heard of Kayak fishing but nobody has heard of Wetsuit Fishing...Until NOW!!!
A Summer of Adventure is Upon Us!
A recent trip to Northern BC saw us hopelessly chasing Chinook and Sockeye around in water too high to fish. We bottom bounced, bar and fly-fished ourselves stupid only to hook and loose a couple Pink and Sockeye. We visited the Skeena, the Kitimat, Lackelse and the Nass and left each with nothing but bug bites and broken hearts.
Despite the poor fishing however, we still managed yet another fantastic adventure!!! We succeeded in landing and releasing a couple trout, met some awesome new people and shot a new video!
Following Northern BC, a trip up Desolation Sound saw some claming, crabbing and shallow water trolling for 5-7 pound feeder Chinook.The sun joined in for most of the Adventure.
We now look forward to the second annual Swim for the Salmon where we will celebrate community, the environment and salmon.
We hope that your summer has been full of adventure and look forward to hearing some stories and seeing some photos!
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Until next time keep on adventuring,
Captain Quinn