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Captain Quinn
Fishing Comedy & The Great Outdoors
Captain Quinn & The Adventures
Check out our latest production :)
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Captain Quinn
Check out the first episode of The Captain Quinn Show where Captain Quinn talks about the current housing crisis in Northern BC, issues with pipelines, a strange noise in the sky and then teaches you how to make a knife.
Check out this quick clip of the Captain nailing a chrome coho on a spoon!
The best online fishing show ever to be made. Remote wilderness adventures combined with how to survival skills and comedic pieces makes Captain Quinn's Fishing Series the best fishing series ever made but we need your help making it. So click on the link below to help make this series come to life.
Thumbs Up for Fishing VideosMost people who like to fish like watching fishing videos. Those of you who have no relationship with fishing, well, perhaps you don't appreciate the video used to capture the many exciting things that fishing represents. Thats ok-but who doesn't appreciate a good chuckle here and there? Well here at we give you the best of both worlds. Comedy and Fishing combined with Adventure and the Environment makes for endless sources of Outdoor Entertainment! So we invite you to peruse our content, comment and even contribute some of your own if you like. Become a member for free and recieve the most awesomely hilarious News Letter available on the Web!
Check it out for yourself!
Guy Catches Dogs with Fishing Rod
Take care talk soon and until next time, keep on adventuring,
Captain Quinn