I love to wander into the unknown and challenge myself amongst the wilderness. I like most people and most things. I get excited thinking about overnight adventures and camp fire jokes. While we slave away in small cubicles and busy libraries we often tend to forget about the many wonders of the natural world. I am an urbanite in many ways but I strongly cherish my moments to escape into the serene and mystical places that lay just around the corner. My favorite thing about the outdoors is the freedom to go wherever, do whatever, and of course - the wildlife!
Role in the operation:
Enlightener, Adventurer.
Educo Adventure Camp, Many overnight camping trips and treks with my father. Many trips into the tetrahedron. Bachelor of Science in Geography.
Best adventure asset:
An animal quality that you admire:
Beaver's work ethic.
Most important thing to bring on an adventure:
A good attitude.
Favorite adventure activities:
Favorite book:
Favorite quote:
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson