Put the Pressure on!

Here is an email that has been circulating on behalf of Friends of Wild Salmon. The email breaks down the issue very well and everyone who appreciates or enjoys the great outdoors and fishing should be concerned-to be Frank, you should be up in arms-I am!

Read on and until next time, Keep on Adventuring,

Captain Quinn

Help save Canada's Fisheries Act 

Dear Eve,

For decades, Canada's Fisheries Act has protected our salmon and their habitat. Now it's under threat. The Conservatives want to remove key parts of the law to fast-track risky industrial development.

Why should you oppose these changes to the Fisheries Act? Here are a few reasons:


  • Protection for fish habitat is greatly weakened.
  • Only lakes and rivers supporting commercial, recreational or aboriginal fisheries will be protected.
  • The Feds are off-loading responsibilities to provinces and industry.
  • DFO cuts undermine public and fish safety.
  • These massive changes are undemocratic.
  • Changes are being made to facilitate projects such as Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker proposal.

In Ottawa: 1-866-599-4999 (ask for Minister Ashfield’s office)


The changes are opposed by four former federal fisheries ministers, including former Tory fisheries ministers Tom Siddon and John Fraser.

“They are totally watering down and emasculating the Fisheries Act,” Siddon told the Globe and Mail.

What can you do? Two things:

1. Call Canada's Fisheries Minister, Keith Ashfield:

Constituency Office: (506) 452-4110

2. Sign the online petition

ForestEthics Advocacy has created an online petition that has already been signed by over 2,000 people who are opposed to the proposed changes to the Fisheries Act.

Click here to sign the petition now.


Friends of Wild Salmon | PO Box 2803 | Smithers, BC, Canada, V0J 2N0 | info@friendsofwildsalmon.caUnsubscribe

Fishing Videos

Thumbs Up for Fishing VideosMost people who like to fish like watching fishing videos. Those of you who have no relationship with fishing, well, perhaps you don't appreciate the video used to capture the many exciting things that fishing represents. Thats ok-but who doesn't appreciate a good chuckle here and there? Well here at captainquinn.com we give you the best of both worlds. Comedy and Fishing combined with Adventure and the Environment makes for endless sources of Outdoor Entertainment! So we invite you to peruse our content, comment and even contribute some of your own if you like. Become a member for free and recieve the most awesomely hilarious News Letter available on the Web!

Check it out for yourself!

Captain Quinns Top 3 Funny Fishing Videos

Shit Fishermen Say

Guy Catches Dogs with Fishing Rod

Fishing as an Artform

Take care talk soon and until next time, keep on adventuring,

Captain Quinn

Johnny Jumpers / Viola pensylvanica by Jade Bisson

Hola Adventurers!

A beautiful Johnny Jumper!It's Spring! Whoop, whoop! Forget those roots and twigs you were foraging for this winter. It is that time of year again when abundance returns to the land and collecting edibles is such a joy. With so many choices, where do you start?!?Lots of Johnny Jumpers! Here is one beauty to look for: Viola pensylvanica, a member of the violaceae family, or more commonly known as, violets. These young guns are wild though. There are over 800 or so species in the genera, so imma just stick with these yellow ones I found in the meadow behind my house. You really can't miss 'em. Johnny Jumpers.They are one of the first colors to emerge from the dark forest floor. With heart-shaped green leaves and little yellow petaled flowers, how could you not pick a few? Pay attention when walking through a shaded meadow or on the edge of a forest. The plants can grow from 1-12 inches, producing a single yellow flower with 5 petals (3 lower, 2 side) rising above a carpet of heart-shaped leaves with sharp tips. This species spreads by rhizomes, so you will find them growing in dense clumps. I have yet to find a source which confirms the leaves as edible, so stick to eating the flowers only.Johnny Jumper.  A fun fact that I ran in to is that the flowers are the larval host and/or nectar source for the silver-bordered butterfly. I know, right! So don't pick all of the flowers, leave some for the larvae! So, in conclusion, you definitely CAN'T make a meal out of violets, but you CAN impress your friends by adding them to a dish you've made. Pretty up that bowl of wieners and beans that you made for your girlfriend by adding some edible wild violets, she'll thank you for it!!! Adios for now!