Two adventurers pursuing happiness.What is the meaning of life? It is a commonly asked question and many spend their entire lives searching for the answer. It has a firm place in the roots of most religions. Perhaps it is a question that we spend too much time thinking about. Is it really that hard to answer?
Most of our experiences to date will tell us that when we are happy life is better. So why not spend our entire lives trying to maximize our happiness?
Three steps to happiness
Sunset on Haida Gwaii.The first step than would be to discover the things that make us happy. The second step of course would be to pursue these things. The third step is more of a rule to ensure that happiness can be a shared experience. It is to live in a good way with others always working towards a state of harmony. Respect will prove to be the most valuable tool when trying to complete this step.
I am not going to tell you how you should live your life but I will tell you that in a world where distraction is seemingly everywhere it is easy to loose sense of what is really important.
The answer can be as simple as developing and maintaining healthy relationships with good genuine sincere people and the surrounding environment to which we all belong while living in a good way.
until next time keep on adventuring,
Captain Quinn