Captain Quinn-Comedy Fishing & Outdoor Videos Photos and Stories

Fishing Lake Ontario

Fishing Walleye in the Bay of Quinte by Tyler Taylor

Tyler Taylor gets the job done!

Tyler Taylor gets the job done!

Fishing the Bay of Quinte in December can be a brisk task to say the least.  Floater suits are a must-wear as if you fall in the water your a goner!  The walleye here migrate into the big bay, out of Lake Ontario and stage in the bay for the spring spawn ( where I intercept them).   My buddy and I jumped in my boat early in the morning and we were breaking ice on the way out.  We had a four rod spread set up of Crankbaits (Reef Runners, and Rapala TD11's) off planer boards.  The water is really clear here so planer boards are a must to get the lures out away from the boat, as the "eyes" spook very easily!  Just as we finished our morning puff all hell broke loose (this gets Ontario fish to bite)-haha.  Three of the four rods fired and it was game on!  WOAH!  It was complete chaos as the net was completely tangled with fish and our lures!  We released the 2 big girls on the left and kept the little one for the table!!  The bay has since iced up and its ice fishing season now!  If only work didn't get in the way of fishing!!!!

Recommended Gear

  • Hot Baits- Sebile Koolies
  • Reef Runners
  • Rapala TD-11 and TD-9's

Hot Colors

  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Firetiger
  • Iridescent
  • Chartreuse
  • Green and silver

Another lil trick I like to throw at them is running a 3-way swivel, 4' of lead line to a deep diving crank-bait and then 5' of lead line to a spoon.  The deep diving crank digs down deep while the spoon just floats above it.  This maximizes lures in the water to poles!  We are aloud 2 poles each on the lake for trolling.