Winter Challenge 2014-Into a Frozen Lake

Captain Quinn takes the plunge!

Big thanks to Rick Allen for nominating me for the Winter Challenge 2014!!! I had to cut a hole in a frozen lake to do it and now nominate my mom Mokie Burnham! annnnnnd Mike Burnham and Caleb Burnham and Nathan Burnham

Tangled with Captain Quinn-Season 1, Episode 1

The best fishing show ever takes you into Northern BC, for some massive winter run steelhead fishing with gear. Normally we don't fish roe but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. 

Steelhead are an anadromous rainbow trout and probably one of if not the most prized game fish in Canada and the USA. The come in all shapes and sizes of awesome. The world record for steelhead weighed in at over 40 lbs caught in Washington, USA. The previous world record was taken from Northern British Columbia which is exactly where we are fishing on this adventure. 

Tangled with Captain Quinn, Season 1, Episode 1-This Roe Stinks and So do I

Northern BC, Fishing Legend Rob Bryce Celebrates Another Birthday!

Rob with Winter Steel.jpg

A Happy Birthday to Northern BC, fishing legend Rob Bryce from Captain Quinn & The Adventures. Rob has been fishing the waters of Northern BC for his entire life now, so almost 32 years! He has been pursuing steelhead with which he has an uncanny connection to, for many of these years and we are sure many more to come. When asked "What are you using?" Rob will respond: "Any colour will work as long as its red". Few people speak the language of the water as proficiently as Rob and it is a privilege to witness him conversing in a quite whisper with the glittering ripples of the flowing waters running through the rugged terrain of Northern BC, like arteries pumping fresh life into the majestic wilderness.

Below are only a few of thousands upon thousands, maybe even millions and perhaps even billions and possibly kajillions but probably not gabillions of photos of Rob caught in the act and art of fishing. Happy birthday Rob, we hope that it is a good one and we look forward to future fishing adventures with you!

-Captain Quinn & The Adventurers